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Learn more about Gut Microbiome


Microbiome is a compound word of microbial community "Microbiota" and "Genome", and it refers to the genome of all microbial communities, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, that exist in a specific environment. Among them, the genome of the microbial community living in the human body is called the human microbiome.
Through the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States, it was confirmed that there are more than 3 million microbiomes in the large intestine alone, which is 150 times the number of 20,000 genes in a person. is. Recent studies have revealed that the microbiome performs a variety of functions, including interaction with the immune system, synthesis of energy metabolites, synthesis of vitamins, and defense against pathogens.

Reference :

  • Human Microbiome Jumpstart Reference Strains Consortium, et al. A catalog of reference genomes from the human microbioime. Science. May 2010: 21;328(5981):994-9.
  • Lloyd-Price, Jason et al. “Strains, functions and dynamics in the expanded Human Microbiome Project.” Nature vol. 550,7674 (2017): 61-66.



Living together with Microorganisms

There are numerous invisible creatures living in our bodies. About 40 trillion microorganisms exist in our body, and they live and interact with our body in various places such as the oral cavity, genitals, respiratory system, skin, large intestine, and digestive organs.
In particular, 95% of human microbes exist in the large intestine, and which can cause of various diseases, but also helps to prevent diseases. Knowing what the microbes are currently residing with you and how they interact with your health is the first steps toward improving your quality of life through gut microbiome management.

Reference :

  • Sender R, Fuchs S, Milo R. Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body. PLoS Biol. August 2016:



Microorganisms in our Gut

The makeup of your gut microbiome is not like the human genes where one gets to inherit DNA from each parent. Humans are exposed to different microbes in their intestines through various pathways during their life cycle from the moment they are born. Starting with the transmission of microorganisms from mother to child when passing through the birth canal during childbirth, numerous microorganisms gradually settle in the intestine and form an ecosystem through exposures to various environments. The intestinal microbial ecosystem constructed in this way is constantly changing by dietary habits and environmental factors.

Reference :

  • Katri Korpela, et al. Maternal Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Cesarean-Born Infants Rapidly Restores Normal Gut Microbial Development: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Cell. Oct 2020:



The key to microbiome research: Next-Generation Sequencing

To accurately analyze your intestinal microbes, it is necessary to use the Next-Generation Sequencing method. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a parallel sequencing technology that rapidly analyzes sequences of DNA or RNA containing the genetic information of living things in large quantities.

Through this technology, it is possible to analyze the genetic information of numerous microorganisms at high speed, ultra-high throughput, scalability. Unlike qPCR, which only sequences a small number of pre-selected targets in a single sample, next-generation sequencing allows researchers to analyze numerous microorganisms and identify the intestinal environment like colony patterns and distributions in your gut.

Reference :

  • 1.Jamuar SS, Lam AT, Kircher M, et al. Somatic mutations in cerebral cortical malformations. N Engl J Med. 2014;371:733–743.
  • 2.Florencia AT, Sujatha S, Anthony L, et al. Complementing 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing with Total Bacterial Load To Infer Absolute Species Concentrations in the Vaginal Microbiome. mSystems. 2020; 5(2): e00777-19.



Comparison between conventional qPCR and NGS

qPCR Test

A test that can analyze only a small number of pre-selected microorganisms in a sample

NGS Test

High-capacity, high-efficiency, simultaneous analysis of multiple microorganisms in one sample without limitation


U2biome NGS

Detectable types of microorganisms

3 to 10 microorganisms

No limit

Test sensitivity


High(allows more accurate analysis)

Analysis scope

Only pre-selected
Microorganism type analysis
(No new microorganism analysis)

Overall and comprehensive analysis of the intestinal environment such as microbial type, cluster pattern, and distribution.

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